Improve Time Entry Rejection and Resubmission Flow

When a time entry has been rejected, the expectation is that the user should make the adjustments requested by the reviewer.

We have a workflow to make the adjustments (and add a comment if desired) via the "Resolve Issues" link:

However, if a user clicks on the time entry in the UI instead, they are presented with the normal "Edit Time Entry" modal and do not have immediate access to the comment via the reviewer, and re-submitting the entry takes an extra step.

One solution to this inconsistent UI experience is to open the Rejection modal when a rejected time entry is clicked, rather than the Edit modal. The Rejection modal should also be revised to have additional action buttons, so that the entry can be Updated or Updated and Resubmitted depending on the intention of the user. There is also not a way to add a comment to the entry without re-submitting the time entry.

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In Progress


πŸ’‘ Feature Request

May 30, 2024

3 months ago

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